ACIA Aero Leasing and Deutsche Aircraft to collaborate on marketing initiatives for D328 family aircraft
Companies Agree to Joint Efforts to Market Aircraft’s Firefighting Applications
MUNICH, Germany - October 12 th , 2022 - German aircraft manufacturer Deutsche Aircraft (“DA”) and ACIA Aero Leasing (“ACIA”), a leading provider of regional aircraft leasing and lease management services announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) to collaborate on marketing the manufacturer’s aircraft. The efforts will focus on the D328 ® and D328eco TM variants that provide passenger, multi-role, and firefighting aircraft configurations.
Wildfires are an increasingly prevalent source of devastation in many areas across the world every year, generating adverse impacts that are only compounded by the effects of climate change. In 2022, the world has already witnessed the highest frequency of wildfires in a decade. To support efforts in addressing this issue, DA and ACIA are joining forces to develop firefighting aircraft that will aid government agencies in deploying aircraft configured for this specific application.
The firefighting-configured D328eco is an ideal multi-role aircraft that can be used as a water-bomber and full-passenger aircraft. Therefore, it is well suited for this collaboration between DA and ACIA to cover Leasing, Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance (“ACMI”) operations, and related support, delivering multiple advantages to operators with different requirements. ACIA will become a preferred lessor of DA aircraft for the marketing of D328® and D328eco aircraft in firefighting configurations, supporting cost reductions and efficiencies for various government agencies.
”ACIA believes in supporting the firefighting sector as we see increasing devastation from wildfires in many parts of the world. We support the initiative from Deutsche Aircraft to engage in this sector, where we can offer leasing solutions and support the marketing of their multi-role aircraft,” commented Sameer Adam, Senior Vice President, Commercial of ACIA Aero Leasing. “Multi-role aircraft can be challenging projects and we see an opportunity to offer a different approach to governments around the world. As they are managing multiple economic priorities, leasing can be a viable solution to support cost management and budget controls, while also bringing operational efficiencies through our partner organisations.”
Anastasija Visnakova, Vice President, Sales and Marketing of Deutsche Aircraft, added: “Our brand new D328eco will provide unmatched flexibility to special mission firefighting operators and prides a logical, reduced risk path towards sustainable aircraft operations,” with Dave Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Aircraft, concluding that “we are delighted to partner with ACIA as the preferred lessor for firefighting aircraft configurations to address the increasing issues of climate change and related devastating fires.”
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