Deutsche Aircraft appoints Maximilian Fahr as Vice President, Supply Chain

Deutsche Aircraft is pleased to announce the appointment of Maximilian D. Fahr as Vice President, Supply Chain, effective 01 November, 2022. Based in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, Maximilian will lead and manage the supply chain organisation of the company, working closely with strategic partners to ensure highest levels of quality and efficiency to accelerate the transition to more sustainable flying.
Prior to his appointment, Maximilian served as Director of Supply Chain at Deutsche Aircraft since 2020. He previously held operational and strategic positions at Airbus’ Corporate Headquarter, in China and in South Korea, including sourcing for the Tianjin A320 Final Assembly Line and as Supplier Development Director for Airbus Group Asia Pacific and is a Form 4 holder with Germany’s Airworthiness Authority (LBA).
Nico Neumann, Chief Operating Officer of Deutsche Aircraft says: “Deutsche Aircraft has the proven product to accelerate the transition on a realistic timeline to more sustainable flying in regional aviation and thus supporting global regional development. Our partners and suppliers are an integral element for our industrial set-up which will subsequently see serial-production aircraft assembly in Leipzig.”
Maximilian Fahr says: “It is a pivotal moment in which we are building a new company, transitioning to new models and incorporating disruptive technologies. I am looking forward to continuing to work with outstanding professionals, facing the reality of a post-pandemic world in which resilience and sustainability in production and operation are key.”
Maximilian brings an unrivalled international experience to this position, having lived and worked in over ten countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas. He is fluent in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese and communicates in Mandarin.
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