Deutsche Aircraft Newsletter Q1/2024

We have navigated through the first three months of 2024 with flying colours as we continue to drive our mission to new heights. Let’s look back at some of the key highlights from this quarter:
Team Development: Our diverse team of aviation professionals at Deutsche Aircraft develops further! We currently have a workforce of 500+ individuals from around the world and continue to attract top talent with a background in aviation and aerospace.
Sustainable Future Flights: The German Federal Government Coordinator for Aerospace Policy, Dr. Anna Christmann, visited the UpLift test laboratory at our HQ in Oberpfaffenhofen in February to see the progress of the UpLift project. Deutsche Aircraft are currently transforming an in-service D328-100 aircraft into a flying test bed for future propulsion, fuel and system technologies. The fully converted aircraft will make its debut at ILA Berlin in June 2024. Deutsche Aircraft has also become a joint leader in the “CAvIA” federal aviation research programme, which launched in January with the aim of making aviation more environmentally friendly through intelligent avionics.
D328eco™ Progress: We have reached two additional milestones for our sustainable 40-seater turboprop for the forward and rear fuselage by contracting suppliers from Brazil and India: Brazilian aerospace and engineering company AKAER will manufacture the forward fuselage and Dynamatic Technologies, based in India, will manufacture the rear fuselage of the aircraft. Market demand is strong and we are making significant progress on our customer order book.
Market Strategy: As part of our market positioning strategy, we have launched our Mandarin website to promote our D328eco regional turboprop in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. The website will serve as a gateway for users across the Chinese-speaking market to access information about Deutsche Aircraft and the D328eco. Our work has been featured in a number of leading aviation publications in the APAC region, creating additional brand awareness in the Indian and Australian markets. Thanks to the growing GDP in the APAC region, there is significant potential demand for our product in this market.
Aftermarket Support for the D328®: We continue to support our in-service family of D328® aircraft in active operations. One of the key operators, NL EASP Air, was recently on-site in Oberpfaffenhofen with their complete fleet of D328® turboprops for maintenance support. This was the first time that the we had the crews of all NL EASP Air aircraft here on our premises.
Strong Regional Partnerships: Deutsche Aircraft are part of the bavAIRia Cluster for Aeronautics, Aerospace and Aerospace Applications. Due to our strategic location at Oberpfaffenhofen Airport, we have a strong brand presence and contribute to the aviation value chain in the region. We also recently hosted the Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Dr. Florian Herrmann, at our headquarters.
We have kicked off the first quarter with great milestones, are gaining traction in the APAC region and look forward to building more brand awareness as we expand into other markets. As 2024 unfolds, we are grateful for your continued support as we work together to bring the D328eco to market.
Best wishes,
Dave Jackson
CEO, Deutsche Aircraft
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