Deutsche Aircraft Newsletter Q3/2023

As we wrap up the third quarter of 2023, I am pleased to announce that we have accomplished significant goals for our company and want to take this opportunity to thank the Deutsche Aircraft team for their unwavering dedication to our common purpose. I would like to share some of our most recent achievements, on the corporate and business front.
Our team keeps growing, and we have surpassed our goal of more than 500 passionate aviation professionals at Deutsche Aircraft. We continue to attract the best talent from the global aerospace and aviation sectors and are working towards 600 team members by the end of 2023.
Following the success of the Paris Air Show in June, we signed a number of supplier contracts and have confirmed 90% of the supply chain for our D328eco®. The latest agreements are with ASE S.p.A. for the AC Primary Power Generation and Distribution System, Satys Cabin for the design and production of interior fittings and Latecoere, who will manufacture the six doors for the D328eco.
In August, we announced a new alliance towards climate-neutral aviation with energy and industry partners in Northern Norway. We are collaborating with Energi I Nord (North Energy Cluster), Bodø Airport Development Company (BLU) and other aviation industry stakeholders on how the supply, demand and production of near carbon-neutral synthetic aviation fuels could be ramped up for regional operators in Northern Norway.
During the last quarter, we also opened our 500-square-metre Logistics Centre in Leipzig, which is ready to welcome the parts for our D328eco. This new logistics space is located 10 minutes from our Final Assembly Line, where construction will begin soon.
At the Friedrichshafen wind tunnel facilities, we recently completed extensive testing for our D328ALPHA technology demonstrator. The intention of this powered-model test was to validate the overall aerodynamic integration of a next-generation electric propulsion system that is being developed with project partners. The 9-week campaign evaluated various combinations of propulsive powers, stability, control and performance parameters over the expected flight envelope. The outcome of this test confirms prior analysis conducted using state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and will allow Deutsche Aircraft to refine an engineering flight simulator.
Saving the best news for last, Deutsche Aircraft took part in the Nationale Luftfahrtkonferenz 2023 (German National Aviation Conference) in Hamburg this week. Together with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Government and other German aviation industry partners, we unveiled the much-anticipated D328® UpLift aircraft which will serve as a flying test laboratory for future developments in air transport.
Preparations for the UpLift aircraft began in August, two months after we became the official OEM partner for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under the governmental Uplift programme. The journey continued with pilot simulator training for the D328 aircraft that facilitated the first flight from Munich's Oberpfaffenhofen Airport to Hamburg.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz joined our executive management team in front of the aircraft before the conference began, along with Dr. Robert Habeck, the Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Action, Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister of Digital and Transport, Dr. Anna Christmann, Federal Government Coordinator for German Aerospace Policy, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Chair of the DLR Executive Board, Dr. Michael Schöllhorn, President of BDLI, Jost Lammers, President of BDL, and Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital and Transport. The high level of interest underlines the significance of Deutsche Aircraft for the German government.
The continued dedication of the entire Deutsche Aircraft team fuels our collective drive toward innovation and sustainability. Thank you once again. Let us continue to make aviation history together!
Best regards,
Dave Jackson
CEO, Deutsche Aircraft
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