Deutsche Aircraft wraps up a successful week at the Farnborough International Airshow 2024

Farnborough, 26 July 2024 - Deutsche Aircraft, the German Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), has concluded a successful week at the Farnborough International Airshow. The highlight of this year's event was the unveiling of the first fuselage cut for the inaugural test aircraft for the D328eco™ programme.
The Farnborough International Airshow began on a momentous note for Deutsche Aircraft, as the OEM announced the initiation of the first fuselage cut for the D328eco test aircraft. This significant milestone sets the stage for the test aircraft's maiden flight. With over 95% of suppliers already onboard, the D328eco programme has made remarkable progress over the past four years.
In addition, Deutsche Aircraft welcomed two additional suppliers during the week, that will further strengthen the programme's robust supply chain network. These include SASMOS HET for the design, development and fabrication of the Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS) and Triumph for the precooler.
Exclusive “328” Chalet
The prominent presence of Deutsche Aircraft at the 2024 Farnborough International Airshow was highlighted by its exclusive location at Chalet 328, a number synonymous with the OEM and its associated aircraft type. The construction of the chalet’s Customer Experience Centre was designed around the placement of the immersive D328eco mock-up, which was presented as a single cabin and cockpit experience.
Bringing the Bavarian spirit to Farnborough
To showcase the D328eco, Deutsche Aircraft also hosted a traditional Bavarian event which has become synonymous with the OEM and their German heritage. This exclusive event offered journalists and industry partners an opportunity to engage with the Deutsche Aircraft team and acquire insights into the aircraft’s latest technologies. Attendees were also treated to an exclusive tour of the cabin and cockpit mock-up, giving them a firsthand look at the D328eco's cutting-edge features.
Anastasija Visnakova, Vice President Sales and Marketing at Deutsche Aircraft remarked: “Our successful participation at the Farnborough Air Show this year underscores our dedication to advancing the D328eco programme and solidifying our position as a leading player in the aviation industry. With major milestones achieved and an expanding network of suppliers and business partners, the future looks promising for Deutsche Aircraft and our innovative aircraft.”
The Deutsche Aircraft team continues to build lasting relationships with important business partners while contributing to the European and global aviation value chain with the D328eco.
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